PBS Golf Outing 2023

Friday 28th July 2023 saw #TeamPBS travel to Old Meldrum Golf Club for its 2nd Annual Golf Outing.

The sun shone, Old Meldrum Golf Club were excellent hosts, and everyone had a great day!

The winning team, ‘Stephens Snakebites’ comprised Ryan Stephen, Gary Donald & Billy Black.

Closest to the pin was won by Mike Hutcheon, and Longest Drive by Ryan Stephen.

The fun continued as #TeamPBS were transported downtown… you know, to stay hydrated!

Well done to all!

Friday 28th July saw #TeamPBS travel to Old Meldrum Golf Club for its 2nd Annual Golf Outing.

The sun shone, Old Meldrum Golf Club were excellent hosts, and everyone had a great day!

The winning team, ‘Stephens Snakebites’ comprised Ryan Stephen, Gary Donald & Billy Black.

Closest to the pin was won by Mike Hutcheon, and Longest Drive was Ryan Stephen.

The fun continued as #TeamPBS hit downtown Aberdeen… you know, to stay hydrated!

Well done to all!



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